Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Are most people willing to die rather than change?

The most recent issue of "Fast Company" magazine pointed out that nine out of ten people would die rather than make simple changes. It went on to say that
Bain & Co had found that in a study of 21 successful turnarounds, they had succeeeded by replacing most of top management.

London cabbies have overdeveloped hippocampuses to ma nage the complex geographical knowledge required and flutists have very developed parts of the brain which control fingers, lips and tongue. So do businesspeople have overdeveloped parts of the brain to do what they need to do. When the need changes, the people don't.

Similarly, Otto Rohwedder spent 16 years with strong opposition to perfect sliced bread. The inventors of frozen food, the revolver, Monopoly and the windshield wiper, each had to fight against strong opposition to achieve success. As the environment changes more rapidly, but we live and owrk longer, the need to develop a curiosiy and drive for learning becomes more important. People have to learn and change continually.

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